Solutions Tracker

Solve your Neighborhood Problems, Get Rewarded !

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Hello, Dogpatch Neighbors!

Lets help our neighborhood become free of Potholes, Graffiti, Trash, Encampments and other defects.

Solutions Tracker is a new way to report and track the solution to infrastructure, cleanliness and safety problems in the neighborhood of Dogpatch with the goal to incentivize residents to help report and get these issues resolved.

How does it work ?

See all issues that have been reported - potholes, graffiti, shattered glass, encampments, trash etc.

View Tracker

Report potholes, graffiti, shattered glass, encampments, trash etc. via an easy to use interface. You can submit a photo and pin-point the location of the issue.

Note : In San Francisco, all issues reported to Solutions Tracker are automatically reported to SF311.


You can volunteer to adopt-an-issue if its not already adopted. An issue is adopted by atmost one resident who is responsible for fixing it or getting it fixed by the authorities. Browse the issues on the map to adopt one.

Browse Issues !

Residents who adopt an issue are encouraged to resolve them either by themselves or by following up with relevant authorities. For ex: If there is broken glass on pavement, you can simply broom it off. However, if there is a pothole, you may want to contact the SFDPW via the SF311 app. Once the issue is fixed, you will need to report that its fixed by simply sending an e-mail to us.

Report Resolution

We think it will be cool to incentivize responsible residents who report and adopt issues and get them fixed. We are in the process of seeking sponsorship from local business to help realize this feature. Stay tuned !

Get Started

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